Game of the Week X: Grandelius, Nils (2672) – Howell, David W L (2646)

Game of the Week X: Grandelius, Nils (2672) - Howell, David W L (2646)

A wise man once said that a player in a lost position is like a drowning man who will try all possible ways to escape from his dire circumstances.

However, just trying to save themselves may not help the player because an experienced opponent closes all possible escape routes. Consequently, a player in a losing position needs to do something unusual that their opponent may not have anticipated. Baron Munchausen pulling himself up by his own hair and escaping from drowning could be a good inspiration. 

Alternatively, if the player plays anticipated moves, then the position will soon likely collapse. This brings us to the Game of the Week…

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Game of the Week X- Grandelius vs. Howell

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Please note that Game of the Week will cover games played from Saturday to Saturday of each week, and any games played on Sunday will go to the next week. See you next Sunday! 


GM Vasif Durarbayli

GM Ulvi Bajarani

Edited by Della Almind

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